In the beginning were the words. No, actually, experiences were first, then feelings, then awareness, then thoughts, then words. Words turn thoughts into sight or sound. When you read or hear someone speak, the reverse happens: their words spark thoughts, feelings, and experiences in your body-mind.
I recall how energized I was in 2013 when I began to download what became in 2017 A Compassionate Civilization! It was thrilling. Everyday, words poured out of me into blogposts which were to become elements of a book along with selected poems, excerpts of speeches, and bits of autobiography. It was a creative mosaic, a compilation, a coming together of diverse elements grouped into seven chapters, then chapters grouped into two parts, along with a prologue and epilogue. Then edited, designed, laid out, published, and marketed. Thrilling indeed. Then four more books followed, three in 2020 – an autobiography, poems, and speeches – and one in 2021 – essays – all together comprising a five-part legacy series of fifty-six years of writing. Now, I am free to think new thoughts and to write fresh words.
What might I write next? I am committed to experiencing radical aliveness and to touching other people’s lives with my energy, ideas, and words. Some topics that call to me about which to write: consciousness; cosmology; epistemology; linguistics; ethics; the social contract; socio-ecological philosophy; ecosystem and social collapse; care of self and others in a time of chaos, collapse, and rebuilding; and my life philosophy – what I have learned about Life during my life, and what advice I might share with other humans.
Your thoughts?
After hearing from you, onward into 2022!